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Spotlight on Service

Staff conducting hourly rounds

Improving Patient Satisfaction One Patient at a Time

Hilo Medical Center strives for continued improvement in patient satisfaction and to provide very good care. Our nursing units have recently begun Hourly Rounds and Bedside Report.

Hourly Rounds

We are ensuring our patients receive very good care by checking in on them EVERY HOUR between 6:00 am to 10:00 pm and EVERY 2 HOURS between 10:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We want to make sure we meet our patients’ needs and help them recover. Our hourly rounding involves four questions:

  • Are you comfortable?
  • Do you need any assistance?
  • Do you have everything you need?
  • Do you have any questions?

If patients need anything between visits, we encourage them to contact us using the call bell. In the event our patients are out of the room or resting when we stop by, we will let them know what time we came in by noting the time on the tent card on the nightstand.

Bedside Report

We are offering more personalized care by having our nurses do their change of shift reporting with our patients in the comfort of their rooms.

At the end of each shift, our nurses will introduce the oncoming nurse to their patient. Together, they will review the patient history and treatment plan, and answer any questions the patient may have. Prior to each bedside report, our nurses will ask family members and visitors to step out of the room to protect patient privacy. If, however, our patients want someone to be present, they can let the nurse know.

Also, patients can notify their nurses if they would like to opt out of the bedside report. We understand that preferences in care differ from patient to patient.